I started a blog

November 23, 2023

For a long time, I've been feeling like I want my own small corner on the web, where I can do anything I want. A place where I don't need to worry about how whatever decision I make affects our bottom line; where I can be creative and experiment with new technologies and ideas; where I can just build stuff the way I feel like it should be built without discussing it with anyone. Especially now that I've actually made it to the point of releasing this, it feels like such an important counter-balance to my normal work, which I do also love, but where everything is pretty much the opposite.

I've always enjoyed technical writing, and have often found myself writing long emails or Slack messages to try and explain things to others. The art of distilling complex ideas into simple analogies and examples is something I find very rewarding. This is my attempt to do that in a more public way.

So, here it is! My blog. I'm not sure what I'll write about yet, how often, or if anyone will read it, but that's also not the point. I'm doing this for me, and I'm excited to see where it goes.